Welcome to my Blog!!!!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Jennifer and I am a Realtor in Las Vegas, NV. After living in Ohio for 40 yrs, I decided I needed a change of pace. So in August 2011 I moved myself and my youngest son to Las Vegas. Talk about a change of pace! Wow! The only things I do not miss are all the cold, rain and snow! Everyone back in Ohio close to me-- I miss you dearly- every single day!

This blog will surround everything I love in my life! First and foremost, my family! Second I have careers I love-- yes I have 2! Realtor and Financial Advisor! Third- Motivation! Let me expand a little bit.......

First ~ A little about my family(I guess I should note that I have a rather large family but this post is all about my immediate family). I have 3 amazing children. My mom refers to them as my ABC Kids...Ash, Brandon and Chris! I also have an adorable, rotten, hard-headed, independent granddaughter a.k.a Hayleigh(although I call her bug). Next is my mom- she is pretty amazing as well! She is the rock that keeps me going, keeps me laughing and is one of my biggest supporters. Then there is my Dad and Step Momma Pattie ~ again amazing, funny, supportive! Last but certainly not least are my brothers, JP & Jeff, followed by our angel brother Zach. I am the oldest of the siblings and the only girl! And I am perfectly fine with that.(P.S...don't mess with them or you will deal with me...lol) All the above....I love them all so much!

And the same goes for all my like moms, like dads, cousins, aunts, uncles, like sisters, like brothers, nephews and the life long friends that are my family! I have some pretty great friends as well that I love with all my heart!

Folks--- hold your family close to your hearts. Yes there will be bickering and disagreements but at the end of the day-- they are your family. You never ever ever know what tomorrow will bring! Period!


See you in the next post!!!!
