Well are you? I certainly am! I am not one that started the New Year off with a Weight loss resolution. My fitness routine/healthy eating has been a constant battle over the last year and a half. I decided in December that I have had enough with the Yo-Yo up and down weight gain/loss.  In January I did commit myself to journaling my food intake and exercise each and every day. And I set a goal weight and date. Why?

1) It shows me where I get off track in my day
2) It shows me the progress that I am making
3) It holds me accountable!

I am on the road a majority of the time. I used to think oh...its just easier to drive thru somewhere. Just another Excuse! Stop and have a plan! I make sure I eat breakfast within a half hour of waking up.  I also plan my appointments around the ability to swing by my house for lunch or I pack my lunch!

This morning I will share one of my go-to breakfast shakes...
2-3 Ice Cubes
2 Frozen Banana Chunks
Handful Fresh or Frozen Blueberries
1 Scoop of Protein Power(your choice)
4-6 Oz Unsweetened Almond Milk
Blend and Enjoy!!!
So ~ How do you stay on track?
